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Player Profile - Craig Cuthbert's XI

Player Profile - Craig Cuthbert's XI

Paul Berry26 Jul 2014 - 00:00
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This week, we spoke to long time member, Craig Cuthbert.

1. What are your nicknames at the club?

Mainly just CC, although Craggle, Cuthbertini and Leg Before Candidate have all been aired in the past.

2. When did you join Chads and why?

First game as a 15 year old in as U17's match against Barwick in 1993. I know.... that makes this youthful looking figure 36 years of age! Joined with a couple of other friends who knew the Junior manager at the time and the ground was local.

3. Which other clubs have you played for?

Only the Chad. Although I suppose I could include league and area representative teams (If I was Jordan...).

4. What is your most memorable Chads match or moment?

There are so many, but right up there has to be opening the bowling for the 3's v's the 2's in a Cup semi-final many years ago (playing against Dollars, Barraclough, Barber et al) and getting Scants to nick off to first slip in the first over of the match. Surely not a highlight you say and I would agree in part, but then seeing Jim O'Neill give Scants the ultimately send off by baring his ass to Scants as he made the lonely walk back to the clubhouse. That was memorable.

5. Who are your all-time top three Chads players?

There have been many top players at the Chad, although it is a tough ask to achieve legendary status. In no particular order I would have to say: Alf Hull - With the ball he could make any player look stupid, add to that getting runs week in week out, without wearing a box, gloves or a thigh pad, and he has to be up there. Mark (Dollars) Dalton - Simply the best bowler ever to play at the Chad. Andrew Bereza - Chads first positive foray into the overseas market. Lighting quick bowler. I kept wicket during his first game for the Chad in a friendly against Adel. I must have been over 30 yards back from the stumps and it was still hitting me like a freight train. He also won the league batting prize..!

6. What are your top three self-promotion facts?

I'm extremely modest, does that count as 1...? 1) One of only a handful of Chadies to score a 100 and a take a five-for. 2) One of an even smaller group of Chadies to score a 100, take a five-for and have 5 catches/stumpings in a match (not the same match mind). 3) Opened the batting and bowling for every Chad senior team.

7. What tune would you most like to go out to bat to?

Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma

8. Which sportsperson do you compare yourself to and why?

Cuthbert Ottaway (1850 - 1878) - The most versatile sportsperson ever. Represented his university at five different sports – a record that remains unmatched.

9. What do you love the most about Chads?

There's no single part that I love the most, I love it all.

10. What is your favourite part of the Chads ground and why?

The short boundary towards the houses. It was only recently that I learnt to hit the ball off the square, so having conquered this milestone not having to hit it a great deal harder to reach the fence is a big plus.

11. What one thing would you change about the club?

Nothing about the club really, but given an opportunity I would ask the vicar to remove the spire from the church as it can be known to block the sun getting onto the pavilion later in an evening.

Further reading