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Player Profile - Ewan Brannan's XI

Player Profile - Ewan Brannan's XI

Paul Berry9 Aug 2014 - 00:00
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This week we spoke to Ewan Brannan.

1. What are your nicknames at the club?

Slow twitch (even though I'm really fast, after many a pint, I lost an infamous race across the road a few years back to some really small bloke in the pub), Old Man Brannan, Benjamin Button, The Oracle, The Sherminator (Howard's influence), Genie (back to junior days).

2. When did you join Chads and why?

Rocked up at Chads when I was 7 or 8 and been here ever since (I don't think it would feel right to play for another outfit - why would I want to??????)

3. Which other clubs have you played for?

There's no need to answer this question, move on!

4. What is your most memorable Chads match or moment?

Maybe on a personal note, it would be my first ever 5 wicket haul for the 1st XI at fortress Chad, including 2 caught and bowled versus Scarcroft. This earned me a big packet of Monster Munch and a pint of coke courtesy of John Barnes/pitbull - this continued to be the 'bait' to get wickets for the rest of that season. Another memorable moment has to be winning the U17s league with a legendary team including the likes of Imran Ali, Joey Cresswell, Rob Heald, Freddie Kamstra, Rishi and Ravi Limbechaya - we were unstoppable that season.

5. Who are your all-time top three Chads players?

This is a really tough one. There are so many legends at the club, but I'm going to go with Paul Berry (Bez), Matthew 'Taff' Stevens, and Mark 'Ratticus' Bailey.

Bez could really be called Mr Chad. He was my first captain in senior cricket in the 3rd XI when I was about 15, and could be seen as the chief nurturer of talent along with Zai Ali, with so many juniors progressing into the senior ranks at the moment. Bez is responsible for so much of the background work at Chad's and I think if you cut him he would bleed claret and gold.

Taff is just a 'Chad legend' (in the words of none other than Steve Zwolinsky). He is one of the wise old heads in the first team to keep us youngsters in check, imparting useful and insightful gems of wisdom wherever he goes. There is never a dull moment in the field when Matthew is about, especially if you are lucky enough to graduate to a catching position behind the stumps. Taff also likes to lure juniors into getting 5 wickets with the promise of a bag of Monster Munch and a pint of coke in Woodies.

Mark Bailey. The man, the rat, the pigeon. He was always heralded as one of the top batsmen at Chads when I was a junior, and it has been brilliant to be in the same team as him for a few years now. He was the captain when I broke into the 1st XI and still has many very useful words of wisdom to give. Along with Taff, Howard 'gobbler grinder' Johnson, Dave Crang and myself, he forms the last vital piece of what could be termed the hub of intellectual conversation in the 1st XI. Did I mention that he has eyes like a hawk?

6. What are your top three self-promotion facts?

1. I scored 170 and 124 in consecutive weeks last season. The 170 was from 77 balls I recall. 2. I got the award for best junior in the league in my final year of the U17's. 3. Undisputed best table tennis player at the Chad.

7. What tune would you most like to go out to bat to?

Dr Dre - 'Still Dre'

8. Which sportsperson do you compare yourself to and why?

Well which sport are we talking?? For Rugby it could only be Morgan Parra, because he is a top class scrum half who nudges goals for fun. Cricket it would have to be an all rounder, but I've got no idea. I'll say that I bat like Virat Kohli but left handed, and bowl like a left handed and shorter/slower Glenn McGrath. I really had no idea on this one I'm afraid so apologies for the terrible choices.

9. What do you love the most about Chads?

Just the people. Chads really is one big family. Such great camaraderie between all members of any team, and a great welcoming atmosphere for any newcomer.

10. What is your favourite part of the Chads ground and why?

The Chad terrace has to get a mention - when people gather up there the Chad becomes the hub of entertainment in Headingley. Woodies is also up there.

11. What one thing would you change about the club?

Chad golf day needs to become a fixture once again.

Further reading